新关注 > 信息聚合 > 除了暴打僵尸,索尼影业哥伦比亚「火炬女神」还曾化身为厉鬼


In addition to beating up zombies, Sony Pictures Colombia's "torch goddess" once turned into a fierce ghost

2019-11-24 22:17:39来源: 游戏时光

今天,影迷熟悉的哥伦比亚「火炬女神」(Torch Lady)上了微博热搜,原因是在东京动漫展上索尼影业展示的火炬女神视频中,原本端庄典雅的她面对僵尸时耍出了一套帅气的甩火炬神功,暴揍两个炮灰。Logo的“C”还沾了血……上世纪 90 年代,Kathy Anderson 为 Jenny Joseph 所拍摄的照片成为了哥伦比亚「火炬女神」的模板,这之后推出的数部电影中,火炬女神多次化身为与电影有关的形象,展现了别样的魅力。首先就是开头的提到的暴打僵尸,其实是出自今年上映的《僵尸之地2》。电影《蓝精灵2》片头,火炬女神原本深蓝的披肩变为了蓝精灵的浅蓝配色,远处则飞来了蓝精灵的帽子。《蓝精灵 寻找神...

Today, the Colombian torch lady, which fans are familiar with, made a hot micro blog search. The reason is that in the video of torch goddess displayed by Sony Pictures at the Tokyo animation exhibition, she used to play a set of handsome torch throwing magic skills when facing zombies and beat two cannon fodder. Logo's "C" is still stained with blood In the 1990s, Kathy Anderson's photos for Jenny Joseph became the template of Columbia's "torch goddess". In several films released after that, the torch goddess has repeatedly incarnated as the image related to the film, showing a different charm. First of all, the violent fight against zombies mentioned at the beginning is actually from this year's "zombie land 2". At the beginning of the movie Smurfs 2, the Cape of the torch goddess was originally in dark blue, but it was in light blue color. In the distance, there was a Smurfs hat. Smurfs looking for God

标签: 索尼