新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2019年电子游戏的销售额将接近1500亿美元


In 2019, the sales of video games will be close to $150 billion

2019-11-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

今年早些时候,有媒体公布消息到2019年底全球电子游戏销售收入将超过1500亿美元。这一数字最近得到了修正。 这一声明来自Newzoo,该公司在6月份对全球电子游戏销售情况进行了一项调查报告。一开始,普遍认为游戏收入将达到1521亿美元,比去年的总收入增长9.6%。 最初估计美国将取代中国成为世界上最大的游戏市场,这主要是由于中国的许可证冻结和试图减少青少年玩游戏的时间等措施,但这并没有最终发生。报告还预计,主机游戏将成为整个市场中增长最快的部分,PC将是最小的,但仍是最具创新性和影响力的。 修正的报告将数据调整为1488亿美元。很容易看到1488和1521这两个数字之间的巨大差距,但...

Earlier this year, media reported that the global video game sales revenue will exceed 150 billion US dollars by the end of 2019. This number has recently been revised The statement comes from newzoo, which conducted a survey of global video game sales in June. At first, it was widely believed that game revenue would reach US $152.1 billion, an increase of 9.6% over last year's total revenue It was initially estimated that the United States would replace China as the world's largest game market, mainly due to measures such as China's license freeze and an attempt to reduce the time teenagers spend playing games, but this did not happen in the end. The report also predicts that console games will become the fastest-growing part of the whole market, and PCs will be the smallest, but still the most innovative and influential The revised report adjusted the data to $148.8 billion. It's easy to see the huge gap between the figures of 1488 and 1521, but

标签: 游戏