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Mario and Sonic's Tokyo Olympics Online

2019-08-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

作为数年一度的奥运赛事游戏联动,马里奥和索尼克将再度携手挑战奥运会,8月21日今天世嘉宣布《马里奥和索尼克的东京奥运会》将于11月1日登陆Switch发售,支持中文,官网同时上线,最新预告公开。 《马里奥和索尼克的东京奥运会》新增的奥运会项目包括柔道、滑板、攀岩以及冲浪,拥有共计21种竞技类项目,另外有4个基于普通项目制作的“幻想项目“。根据竞技项目的不同,角色的服装也会产生相应的变化。《马里奥和索尼克的东京奥运会》除了能够支持本地分屏游玩之外,还能够在线下进行面对面的联机,无需网络连接就可以和朋友当面对战。

Mario and Sonic will join hands to challenge the Olympic Games again as a couple of annual Olympic Games games. On August 21, Shijia announced that the Tokyo Olympics of Mario and Sonic will be launched on Switch on November 1, supporting the Chinese language, and the official website will be launched at the same time, with the latest announcement made public. Mario and Sonic's Tokyo Olympics include judo, skateboarding, rock climbing and surfing. It has 21 competitive events and 4 fantasy projects based on common events. According to the different competitive events, the role of clothing will also produce corresponding changes. "Mario and Sony's Tokyo Olympics" not only can support local screen games, but also can face-to-face online, without network connection, and can face-to-face with friends.

标签: 索尼 索尼克