新关注 > 信息聚合 > 情怀的力量 《莎木3》开放众筹2小时众筹金额破百万

情怀的力量 《莎木3》开放众筹2小时众筹金额破百万

Feelings of power "Shenmue 3" open all the chips for 2 hours in the public to raise the amount of broken million

2015-06-16 13:31:20来源: 游久网

[导读]发布会上,演示了莎木3的相关场景和人物展示图。《莎木》系列游戏以空前的互动性与自由度,开创了一种新的游戏模式FREE(Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment)。游戏的实时性、天气系统、中华文化以及穿插其中的复杂人物关系也是本作的卖点。 .. 【游久网...

[introduction] conference presentation Shenmue 3 related scenes and characters to show off the figure. Shenmue series of games to unprecedented interaction and degrees of freedom, creating a a new game mode free (full reactive eyes entertainment). The game's real time, weather system, Chinese culture and the complex relationship between them is also a selling point of the game. Swim long net...

标签: 众筹