新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《极品飞车19》丰富在线社交功能 玩家需全程在线

《极品飞车19》丰富在线社交功能 玩家需全程在线

The need for speed 19 "rich online social function internationally for the entire online

2015-08-10 16:32:52来源: TechWeb

在《模拟城市5》上市后,玩家便对其全程在线验证系统吐槽不断,EA最终不得不退出单机模式以平复玩家怒火。不过,EA似乎并没有从这起事件中汲取教训,《极品飞车19》刚刚确认同样需要全程联网。 《极品飞车19》开发商Ghost Games表示该游戏需要玩家全程在线,目的除了更好的反盗版外,还...

after the listing of the simulated city 5", players will continue Tucao its entire online verification system, EA and ultimately had to withdraw from the stand-alone mode to calm the anger of players. However, EA does not seem to draw lessons from this incident, "need for speed 19" has just confirmed the need for the entire network. "Need for speed 19" developer Games Ghost said that the game needs the players online, the purpose of the addition of better anti piracy, but also...

标签: 玩家 社交