新关注 > 信息聚合 > 龙门虎将新副本岩港金营开启载具时代


Longmen tiger copies of a new rock Hong Jin Ying open vehicle age

2015-08-26 18:06:45来源: 新浪

由盛大游戏与境界游戏双核运营的第一国战网游《龙门虎将》确定将于9月1日正式开启英雄测试。不知不觉,距离这个日子只剩下一个星期不到的时间,越来越多的玩家开始关注这款诚意国战之作。而在本次测试中,《龙门虎将》也准备了海量更新,比如即将登场的全新副本岩港金营惊喜来袭! 随着广大玩家对《龙门...

by Shanda and the realm of the game dual core operations of the first national war games "dragon tiger" determined on September 1 officially opens the hero test. Unconsciously, the distance of the day is only a week away, more and more players began to focus on the country's war of the. And in this test, dragon tiger also prepared a massive update, for example is the debut of a new copy of the rock Hong Jin Ying surprise strikes! With the majority of players on the Longmen...