新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《新仙剑奇侠传》手游首抽推荐 首抽什么伙伴好

《新仙剑奇侠传》手游首抽推荐 首抽什么伙伴好

"The new Xianjian Qixia Chuan" Mobile Games first pumping pumping recommended first what partner good

2015-04-10 18:41:25来源: 站长之家

在新仙剑奇侠传手游中,玩家在首次抽奖时就被称作首抽。而一个比较好的开端是非常重要的。那么新仙剑奇侠传首抽什么伙伴好呢?下面就让宁神简单的给大家分析一下新仙剑奇侠传的首抽吧。 十里挑一:消耗低级召唤券,有较小概率获得紫色品质伙伴 百里挑一:消耗中极召唤券,有一定概率获得紫色品质伙伴 ...

Qixia Chuan Mobile Games, game player for the first time in the lottery is called the first pumping. A good beginning is very important. Then the new Xianjian Qixia Chuan first draw what partner good? Let God rather simple to analyze the new Xianjian Qixia Chuan first pumping. One in ten: consumption lower call ticket, a smaller probability obtained a purple quality partners: consumption is called coupons, there is a certain probability to get a purple quality partners...

标签: 手游