新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陌陌7.6版本呼啸而来 多种升级让你获得更佳体验

陌陌7.6版本呼啸而来 多种升级让你获得更佳体验

Come the Momo version 7.6 A variety of upgrades to let you get a better experience

2017-04-01 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日,移动社交平台陌陌发布了最新的7.6版本,在这一版本中有多处升级,视频拍摄更加丰富,查看消息更加便利,个人资料展示更加全面,这一切只为你可以获得更佳的使用体验,一起来看一看究竟有什么变化吧。 变化一:时刻和附近视频合并 “时刻”和“附近视频”合并统称为“视频”啦! 直接通过【附近】进入【视频】>>点击右上角的拍摄按钮即可进入拍摄。 变化二:“视频红人”及“官方精选视频”已移至【关注】页【推荐】,更多精彩、好玩的视频等你来看! 变化三:消息通知聚合 以前查看动态、群组、圈子和礼物消息需要点击对应的页面进行查看,现在不用那么麻烦了!直接通过【消息】界面点击【互动通知】...

Recently, mobile social networking platform Momo released the latest version 7.6, there are many in this version upgrades, video shooting more rich, more convenient to view news, personal data show a more comprehensive, it can get a better experience for you, let's have a look at what are the changes. Change 1: time and near video "moment" and "video" near the combining collectively referred to as "video"! Directly enter the [video] through [around] & gt; & gt; Click on the top right corner of the shooting shooting button to enter. Change 2: "video" reds "and the" official featured video "has moved to the page 【 on 】 【 recommend 】, more exciting, fun video waiting for you to see! Change 3: notification polymerization used to view the dynamic circle, groups, and gift have to click on the corresponding page to view the news, now need not bother! Directly through the interface click [message] inform 】 【 interaction...