新关注 > 信息聚合 > 圣诞节来战头脑风暴 《汉诺塔》挑战古典数学之谜

圣诞节来战头脑风暴 《汉诺塔》挑战古典数学之谜

Christmas battle to brainstorm the Hanoi to challenge the classical mathematical mystery

2015-12-25 10:26:31来源: 4399

现在有许多人们所熟知的游戏均传承自百年甚至千年之前,它们往往与古典数学相关,对于逻辑思维的挑战性极大。这类游戏虽然难却也有无数人对它们乐此不疲,比如数独,又或者源于印度古老传说的益智玩具汉诺塔。 如今数独玩法的手游已经相当多,而借由前日在iOS/安卓上架的游戏《汉诺塔》,它的爱好者们也...

Now there are many people known as the games are inheritance since one hundred, even one hundred years ago, they are often associated with classical mathematics, a challenge for logical thinking. Such games although accidents also countless people for them, such as sudoku, or is the result of the ancient legend of Hanoi puzzle toys. Now sudoku play mobile game has quite a few, but by the day in the iOS/android game on the Hanoi, its fans are also...