新关注 > 信息聚合 > 初代《古墓丽影》三部曲高清版将登陆Steam


Early generation hd lara croft: tomb raider trilogy will land on Steam

2018-03-12 13:35:01来源: 游戏时光

年代久远的经典作品移植/重制登陆 Steam 的例子不在少数,《古墓丽影》也将加入它们的行列。开发商 Realtech VR 在最近宣布,他们将把《古墓丽影》的最初三作带上 Steam 平台。Realtech VR 在推特上表示,这次登陆 Steam 的《古墓丽影1&2&3》将使用全新的3D引擎,并且支持 OpenVR。在此之前,Realtech VR 已经将《古墓丽影1&2》重制并带上了移动设备,现在他们正忙于第三部的移动端重制工作。当这项工作完成后,初代《古墓丽影》三部曲便会登陆 Steam。如果你已经在 Steam 上购入了 DOS 版本的《古墓丽影》,...

Old classic transplantation/login example of Steam, not making lara croft: tomb raider will also join them. Developers & have spent Realtech VR were recently announced that they would take the first three of the tomb raider to Steam platform. Realtech VR on twitter, said the landing of the Steam in the tomb raider 1 & amp; 2 & amp; 3 "will use the new 3 d engine, and support the OpenVR. Before this, Realtech VR has "tomb raider 1 & amp; 2" remakes and bring the mobile devices, now they are busy third mobile server-assisted system work. When, after the completion of the work in the early generation of lara croft: tomb raider trilogy will land on Steam. If you are already in the Steam bought a DOS version of tomb raider,...

标签: Steam