新关注 > 信息聚合 > 古希腊神话题材游戏《亚普罗辛》上市预告片来袭


The ancient Greek myth game "sub general symplectic" listed Trailer hit

2015-01-30 21:36:28来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 虽然早在2 012年初就宣布了《亚普罗辛(Apotheon)》,但Alien Trap楞是让玩家苦等了三年,磨磨唧唧地在今年1月才推出了这款横版2D过关游戏。如果你先了解一下这部《亚普罗辛(Apotheon)》的话,不妨来看看他们最新放出的宣传视频吧。 《...

Sina video loading, please wait... Although early in 2012 announced that "Jaap Rosin" (Apotheon), but Alien Trap Leng is to let the game player wait three years, dilly dallying in until January of this year launched a new version of the cross 2D game clearance. If you first look at this "Jaap Rosin (Apotheon)" words, may wish to have a look of their newly released a promotional video. "...

标签: 游戏