新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天天酷跑3D经典模式15万分高分技巧


Parkour Everyday 3D classic mode 15 extremely high skill

2016-01-30 12:46:22来源: 4399

随着《天天酷跑3D》游戏限号不删档进程的发展,相信不少特工都突破了最初的10万分。来到了另外一个挑战关口——15万分。下面让荒年为各位特工介绍下《天天酷跑3D》中突破经典模式15万分数的奖励以及如何达到经典模式15万分的技巧! 本文转载自天天酷跑3D贴吧,原文作者为天天酷跑3D先锋 ...

With the "Parkour Everyday 3D" game development limited number does not delete files the process, I believe that many agents have broken through the initial 100,000. Another challenge came to pass --15 extreme. Let famine for you agents introduce "Parkour Everyday 3D" Breakthrough classic mode 150,000 Score award and how to achieve the classic mode tips 15 extreme! This article reproduced from Parkour Everyday 3D paste it, the original author of Parkour Everyday 3D pioneer...