新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《守望先锋》虎牙百万奖金中韩对抗赛招募战


Watch "pioneer" Huya million bonus Korea match recruiting battle

2016-07-01 16:48:11来源: 07073游戏网

随着暴雪的新宠——守望先锋的面世,游戏圈又掀起了一阵FPS风暴。就如那句——这个世界需要更多的英雄,目前所有的OWer都期望与战友们组成站队,成为这个世界的英雄。 虎牙直播就为大家准备了成为守望先锋的第一批英雄的机会,百万奖金悬赏中国守望先锋的英雄战队!他们将与韩国战队进行第一次守望...

With Blizzard's new watch available pioneer, the game circle set off a storm FPS. As the phrase: the world needs more heroes, all current OWer and his comrades are expected to form in line and be the heroes of the world. Tiger live for everyone to prepare a watch pioneer the first hero of the opportunity to watch Chinese million bonus reward pioneer hero! They will be the first watch with the South Korean team...

标签: 虎牙 守望先锋