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新内容升级 《星际公民》更新Alpha2.4版本

The new content upgrade citizens "star" update Alpha2.4 version

2016-06-12 15:20:01来源: 新浪

虽然我们已经记不清上一次报道非“众筹资金再创新高”的《星际公民》新闻是什么时候,但在今天我们要说的确实和众筹没有什么关系。不久前Cloud Imperium正式为这款吸金狂魔推出了Alpha 2.4补丁,总算是为游戏引入了些新内容。 作为《星际公民》在半年多时间内最重头的补丁,Alp...

Although we have already can't remember the last time the report of "the raise funds hit a record high," the star citizens "when is news, but today we have no relationship to say really and raise. Recently Cloud Imperium formal for this kind of suction gold slasher launched Alpha 2.4 patch, finally introduces some new content to the game. As a citizen of the star "in more than half a year period, the king of the patches, Alp...