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Has Uncle's smile been kept?

2019-04-04 06:00:00来源: 游戏时光

在索尼耕耘了 35 年的平井一夫终于决定退休了,现任集团董事会会长的“姨夫”,将于 6 月 18 日的股东总会上正式宣布卸任,此后仅以高级顾问的形式提供建议。在他看来,自去年 4 月把 CEO 的职位转交给吉田宪一郎以来,公司已经围绕另一个核心完成整合,实现了平稳交接。印象中,尽管 58 岁的平井早已两鬓发白,但人们最后一次见到他时,那幅标志性的微笑仍然挂在脸上。而如今笑容中饱含的意味,早已与十数年前有所不同。平井一夫从苦笑,到微笑对于大多数玩家而言,初识平井一夫的微笑,应该是从 2006 年开始的。那一年的 E3,被人们视为索尼游戏业务发展历程中的黑点。他站在印着 PS3 效果图的大屏前说到...

Having worked for 35 years in Sony, Hirai finally decided to retire. The uncle of the current chairman of the board of directors of the group will officially announce his resignation at the general meeting of shareholders on June 18, after which he will offer advice only in the form of senior advisers. In his view, since the CEO position was transferred to Ichiro Yoshida in April last year, the company has completed integration around another core and achieved a smooth handover. The impression is that even though the 58-year-old Hirai has already turned pale, the last time people saw him, the iconic smile still hung on his face. Now the meaning of a smile is different from that of a decade ago. For most players, Hirai's smile, from bitter to smiling, should start in 2006. That year, E3 was seen as a black spot in the development of Sony's game business. Standing in front of the big screen with the PS3 effect picture, he said..