新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀蓝烟再登国服第一猴 你要在我面前秀孙悟空?

王者荣耀蓝烟再登国服第一猴 你要在我面前秀孙悟空?

King glory blue smoke on the first monkey suit Do you want to show in front of me the Monkey King?

2017-12-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《王者荣耀》里有一位主播,触手直播的蓝烟,在王者峡谷里,被称为“蓝色噩梦”,宫本武藏0符文76把上王者后成为一代传奇。不过随后宫本就一削再削64次,连蓝烟也不忍心拿出来。趁着这“空窗期“,暴力美猴王孙悟空迅速上位,成为蓝烟新宠,甚至被蓝烟一手打上了国服第一战力,蓝烟拿下国服第一孙悟空称号! 大概是每个少年心中,都有一个桀骜不驯的孙悟空,所以在王者峡谷里,孙悟空的出场率高达可怕的49.8%!要知道,前五的英雄中,4个都比较简单,而且历经数代版本几乎没有影响。孙悟空在S9赛季,却是被削弱的:坦克和肉装的大幅度增加,让猴子在收割能力上已经大不如前,非常需要经济的绝对优势,一逆风就崩盘,可以说...

The king of glory has an anchor, tentacles streaming blue smoke, and in the king valley is known as "blue nightmare", miyamoto musashi 0 rune after 76 the king became a legend. But the succedent houses have a shaved again 64 times, even the blue smoke also don't have the heart to take out. , taking the "window period" of violence, Monkey King sun wukong, quickly become blue smoke to be bestowed favor on newly, has even been blue smoke on the one hand the clothes in the first world war one, the blue smoke had the clothes first title of sun wukong! Probably every young heart, there is a defiant of the Monkey King, therefore, in the king valley sun wukong's appearance rate as high as 49.8% terrible! Hero, you know, the top five four are simple, and almost no impact after several generation of version. Sun wukong in the integrated season, it is weakened: tanks and meat with a substantial increase, let the monkey on the ability to harvest has not, really need economic absolute advantage, a headwind will crash, it can be said that...

标签: 王者荣耀