新关注 > 信息聚合 > WERC赛车电竞超级大奖赛海选赛11月14日开启


WERC e-sports super grand prix racing, on November 14 open audition

2018-11-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2018年9月15日,青岛胶州城市发展投资有限公司和上海竞迹企业管理有限公司,在中国汽车摩托车运动联合会指导下,正式启动WERC赛车电竞超级大奖赛(英文全称:World E-Racing Championship,简称WERC)。此次比赛将于11月14日开启海选赛,届时来自全网的赛车电竞选手将同台角逐晋级名额,并向最后的冠军冲刺,向速而生、追求自己心中的激情、荣耀与梦想。 赛事:明星车手 打造优质IP 此次赛事中不仅有国内顶尖赛车电竞选手参加比赛,更有国际赛车电竞选手现场展示车技,以及当地小车手与职业车手的表演赛。作为首届WERC赛车电竞超级大奖赛的主办方,青岛胶州城市发展投资有限公...

On September 15, 2018, Qingdao jiaozhou city investment development co., LTD. And Shanghai race track enterprise management co., LTD., in line with the China motorcycle sports association, formally launched WERC e-sports super grand prix Racing (English full name: the World E - Racing Championship, WERC). The game will open audition contest on November 14, from the entire network of electric car running hand will compete for slots, and to the final winner, sprint to the speed and life, the pursuit of passion, glory and dream in my heart. Events: star driver To build high quality IP this event has not only the domestic top electric car running hand in the competition, more international electric car race hands on displays, modern exhibition games and small local drivers and professional drivers. As the first WERC e-sports super grand prix racing, the organizers, Qingdao jiaozhou city investment development co., LTD. And...

标签: 电竞