新关注 > 信息聚合 > 有个老哥用“吉他控制器”通关了《光环3》


There's an old man who uses guitar controller to pass Halo 3

2019-11-30 11:23:45来源: 游戏时光

在经历了一个月的磨练,以及 252 次死亡后,有位油管名叫 Super Louis 64 的老哥,用《吉他英雄》的控制器通关了《光环3》。具体来说,就是用输入转换器来映射吉他的键位,使之与 Xbox 360 匹配,但其实操作起来也非常麻烦。比如使用吉他的绿色按钮向左移动,使用红色按钮向右移动,使用黄色按钮跳跃,使用蓝色按钮射击。但如果你同时按住橙色按钮,就会触发另一组动作。弹奏吉他可以让你向前或向后移动,当你按住橙色按钮时,它可以作为你向上或向下瞄准的方法。Super Louis 64 表示:“最困难的部分,是用一把没有摇杆的吉他来控制 FPS……总的来说,这是一段充满挑战的旅程,因为我已经将...

After a month's training and 252 deaths, a brother named super Louis 64, who used the controller of guitar hero, cleared Halo 3. Specifically, the input converter is used to map the key position of the guitar to match the Xbox 360, but in fact, the operation is also very troublesome. For example, use the green button of guitar to move to the left, use the red button to move to the right, use the yellow button to jump, and use the blue button to shoot. But if you hold down the orange button at the same time, another set of actions will be triggered. Playing the guitar allows you to move forward or backward, and when you hold down the orange button, it serves as a way to aim up or down. Super Louis 64 said: "the most difficult part is to control FPS with a guitar without a rocker On the whole, this is a challenging journey, because I have already