新关注 > 信息聚合 > 伽马数据报告显示:吃鸡等爆款存隐忧


Gamma data report shows: chicken and other explosive money hidden worries

2018-05-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日,中国权威游戏产业数据研究机构伽马数据(CNG)发布的 《2018年4月移动游戏产业报告》披露,4月,“吃鸡”系列,以及新上线的《第五人格》依然是市场焦点。 2018年4月移动游戏热度排行 数据来源:伽马数据(CNG) 由研究机构伽马数据发布的手游报告称,上述手游产品大多脱胎于海外PC段游戏热门玩法的爆款移动电竞新游,不管是获取用户的速度、用户的覆盖范围,还是游戏在社交媒体的热度,都拥有较强的市场表现。 “但是此类爆款也面临诸多市场的挑战”,伽马数据认为,“吃鸡”系列,以及新上线的《第五人格》等,这些游戏面临用户快速流失的风险。 伽马数据(CNG)资深分析师认为,“任何一款游...

The April 2018 mobile game industry report published by CNG, a data Research Institute of China's authoritative game industry, disclosed that the "eating chicken" series and the newly launched "fifth personality" were still the focus of the market in April. April 2018 mobile game heat data sources: Gamma data (CNG) published by the Research Institute of Gamma data, the hand tour report said that most of the above hand tour products were born out of the popular PC game hot game of the explosion of the new tour, whether it is to get the speed of users, the coverage of the user, or the game in social media The heat of the body has strong market performance. "But this kind of bursting is also facing a lot of market challenges," Gamma data thinks, "eat chicken" series, as well as new online "fifth personality", these games are facing the risk of rapid loss of users. Gamma data (CNG) senior analyst thinks, "any tour...