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侍魂2手游橘右京连招技巧 橘右京怎么用

Samurai shodown 2 Mobile Games orange ukyo combo skills of how to use

2015-03-30 16:19:29来源: 4399

桔右京, 蓝色的长发、英俊的脸庞、优雅的做派,吸引了许多达官贵人的千金。但桔右京其实是一个很专情的人,日以继夜地同魔物作战,使原来身体虚弱的他引发了肺病、但他心中只有一个念头,就是找到封闭着他心爱女人灵魂的“魔界之花”。 本篇就来了解一下侍魂2手游橘右京的连招技巧吧! ▍连招技巧 轻...

orange orange right Beijing ukyo, long blue hair, handsome face, elegant style, attracted many high officials and noble lords daughter. But the orange ukyo is actually a very devoted people, day in and day out with the monster battle, so that the original frail he caused disease, but he had only one idea, is to find the closed with the woman he loves "devil flower soul". This article will try to understand the samurai shodown 2 Mobile Games orange ukyo combo skills! Man combo skill light...

标签: 手游