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WeGame携国产游戏参展科隆 抱团出海的风口来了?

WeGame with domestic games participation attempt to sea tuyere to cologne?

2018-08-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2018年的科隆游戏展,迎来了史上最多数量的中国游戏展团,超过31家中国企业参加盛会,展会现场,携《紫塞秋风》、《隐龙传》、《河洛群侠传》等十款国产单机游戏亮相的WeGame,吸引一众老外眼球。面对国内市场红海,国产游戏扎堆出海,已然成为业内心照不宣的共识。不过当前国产游戏出海仍旧门槛较高,如何“走出去”,成为当前行业面对国内、国外双重压力下需要思考的新问题。 国产单机游戏出海:机遇与挑战并存 纵观中国单机游戏产业的发展历程,从上个世纪的世界领先地位,到被国外巨头凭借技术积累优势所冲击,再到游戏盗版猖獗,单机游戏市场曾一度陷入困境。 但是从17年开始,随着移动人口红利的逐渐消失,制...

Cologne game exhibition in 2018, ushered in the games in the history of the highest number of China pavilion, more than 31 Chinese enterprises to participate in the festival, the exhibition site, together with the purple plug the autumn wind, the hidden dragon ", "hilo-systems yongs the xia spread" and so on ten domestic stand-alone game appearance WeGame, attract the foreigner the eyeball. In the face of the domestic market of the red sea, domestic game stick out to sea, view has become the industry consensus. But the current domestic game to sea still threshold is higher, how to "go out", become the domestic and foreign industry is facing dual pressures need to think about new problems. Domestic stand-alone game at sea: opportunities and challenges in the development of the stand-alone game industry in China, from the last century the world leading position, to the impact by foreign giants with accumulation of technology advantage, to the game piracy, stand-alone game market was once troubled. But from the beginning of the 17 years, with the mobile demographic dividend gradually disappear, system...

标签: 游戏