新关注 > 信息聚合 > 当《文明6》登陆PS4和Xbox One,沙发上也能再来一回合了

当《文明6》登陆PS4和Xbox One,沙发上也能再来一回合了

When civilization 6 lands on PS4 and Xbox one, another round will be available on the sofa

2019-11-25 12:00:00来源: 游戏时光

自《文明6》最早在 PC 上发售以来,已经过去了3年的时间。在这3年中,这款知名度极高的策略游戏已经登陆了 iPad 和 Switch 这两个令人有些意外的平台,现在 PS4 和 Xbox One 版也已经到来。《文明6》的魅力对于 PC 玩家来说,是早已熟知的,当许多人沉迷在“再来一回合”的策略决策中时,也有许多主机玩家在期待这款游戏能够登陆他们所拥有的平台。而现在,《文明6》成为了系列中第一款登陆本世代全主机平台的游戏,我们也终于可以得见它在主机上的表现情况了。意料之中的移植虽说《文明6》登上本世代全部主机平台是系列首次,但从这两年的趋势来看,这早已成了一个时间上的问题。《文明6》早先就推...

Three years have passed since civilization 6 was first released on a PC. In the past three years, this well-known strategy game has landed on iPad and switch, which are two unexpected platforms. Now, PS4 and Xbox one have also arrived. The charm of civilization 6 is well known to PC players. When many people are addicted to the strategic decision-making of "another round", there are also many host players looking forward to the game landing on the platform they own. Now, civilization 6 has become the first game in the series to log on to the whole host platform of this generation, and we can finally see its performance on the host. Although it is the first time in a series that "civilization 6" has been installed on all the host platforms of this generation, it has already become a time problem in terms of the two-year trend. Civilization 6 has pushed

标签: PS Xbox PS4