新关注 > 信息聚合 > 老白进军游戏界 索尼疑似开发《绝命毒师》游戏

老白进军游戏界 索尼疑似开发《绝命毒师》游戏

Old white to enter the game world Sony suspected development "absolutely life drug division" game

2015-06-29 10:51:02来源: 电玩巴士


has recently network on leaked a copy of the file, indicating that Sony is made according to the well-known American TV drama desperate drug division "adaptation of the game, this paper showed, there are people secretly on 5 May submit the game software in the field of" absolutely life drug division "of the application for the registration of a trademark. Although the file does not appear any SONY name, but the product and service category, 9,28,41 is a combination of the European division of SONY computer entertainment in the registration of the game. ...

标签: 游戏 索尼