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超高颜值+震撼BGM的秘密 HIT明日双平台公测

High level + appearance to shock the secret of the BGM HIT double platform open beta tomorrow

2016-10-27 05:07:54来源: 17173

网易2016年度大作,颜值控必玩的《HIT:我守护的一切》10月21日已在App Store独家首发,明天(10月27日)将迎来全平台公测。 游戏在App Store首发后,画面和BGM受到了不少玩家的褒奖。今天,17173就带大家来看看《HIT:我守护的一切》高颜值画面的背后的秘密,...

Netease, 2016 appearance the level control will play "HIT: everything I watch" on October 21, has to be the sole starting in the App Store, tomorrow (October 27) could usher in a new platform for open beta. The game in the App Store after starting, the picture and BGM are a lot of players praise. Today, 17173 will take you to see the HIT: my guardian "all high level picture of the secret behind the appearance,...