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大话西游手游男鬼怎么玩 平民鬼族玩法介绍

A Chinese Odyssey mobile game male ghost how to play Civilian ghost mechanics is introduced

2015-12-02 15:56:27来源: 4399

大话西游手游里面最最不花钱的种族定位那就是男鬼了,不用仙器,不用神兵只要回血就可以,而且血多高抗能出手就行了,说到男鬼,大家能想到的就是超高的血量和负敏。那么平民男鬼该如何定位呢? 修正的选择: 男鬼用女魔修正。虽然女魔修正没有了物理抗性,不过还好鬼族的天生躲闪可以稍微拟补下不抗物...

A Chinese Odyssey mobile game inside the most free race position is that the male ghost, no fairy, no magic just h., and blood is high can sell more to go, say to the male ghost, everybody can think of is ultra high blood and negative. So how do civilians male ghost positioning? Correction of choice: male ghosts with female demons corrected. Although female demons corrections are not physical resistance, but also good ghost family naturally dodge can not to make up a little fight...

标签: 手游 大话西游