新关注 > 信息聚合 > 喜欢《星球大战》的朋友,不妨来看看这款限定版Xbox手柄


If you like star wars, you can take a look at this limited Xbox handle.

2019-10-23 17:10:11来源: 游戏时光

《星球大战绝地:陨落的武士团》即将在 11 月 15 日发售,如果你是星战粉丝的话,不妨再看看这款限定版 XBOX 手柄,售价 139.99 美元(约合人民币 991 元),附带有充电支架套装。亚马逊商店跳转点击这里。这款手柄和充电支架均带有红黑色帝国“清洗部队”的图案设计,支持自定义按钮映射。清洗部队是专门用于镇压叛乱的部队,这个部队中不同的兵种会配备不同的武器,在游戏《星球大战绝地:陨落的武士团》中,绝地武士被定义为要刺杀议长夺权的叛乱分子,于是在游戏主角卡尔暴露身份之后,就受到了清洗部队和帝国判官的追杀。

"Star Wars Jedi: the fallen order" will be released on November 15. If you are a Star Wars fan, you can have a look at this limited Xbox handle, which costs 139.99 US dollars (about 991 yuan), with a charging bracket set. Amazon store jumps here. Both the handle and the charging stand feature a red and black imperial "cleaning force" graphic design that supports custom button mapping. The purge force is a force specially used to suppress the rebellion. Different arms in this force will be equipped with different weapons. In the game "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Samurai", the Jedi warrior is defined as the insurgent who wants to assassinate the speaker to seize power. Therefore, after the protagonist Karr exposes his identity, he is chased by the purge force and the imperial judge.

标签: Xbox 星球大战