新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本一公布新作《虚空饲育箱》玩法宣传视频


Video of Japan's new play of "empty feeding box"

2019-11-08 16:20:32来源: 游戏时光

日本一此前公开了一款养成+迷宫RPG 游戏《虚空饲育箱》(void tRrLM),近日官方公布了本作最新预告视频,介绍了本作迷宫玩法。 本作迷宫采用了“不可思议迷宫”玩法,即 Roguelike 式场景自动生成,每次进入迷宫都有全新体验。本作故事背景为人类衰败后的星球,废墟迷宫里有着各式各样的机器人阻挠玩家。在迷宫中玩家可以寻找到食物、素材、道具来给少女维持生命或帮助自己更好地探索,但需要注意的是就算在迷宫中也要实时注意少女的状态,如果少女身体不舒服要及时离开迷宫。《虚空饲育箱》预计将于 2020 年 1 月 23 日登陆 PS4/Switch 平台。来源:gamestalk

Japan has released a cultivation + maze RPG game "void trlm". Recently, the official released the latest preview video of this work, introducing the maze play method of this work The maze in this work adopts the "Incredible Maze" playing method, that is, the roguelike scene is automatically generated, and each time you enter the maze, you will have a new experience. The background of this story is the planet after the decline of human beings. There are various kinds of robots in the ruins maze to block players. In the maze, players can find food, materials and props to support the girl's life or help them better explore, but it is necessary to pay attention to the girl's state in real time even in the maze, and leave the maze in time if the girl is not comfortable. The virtual cage is expected to land on the PS4 / switch platform on January 23, 2020. Source: gametalk

标签: 视频