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索尼E3发布会重点信息汇总 《战神》重启降临

SONY E3 conference key information summary "ares" restart

2016-06-14 12:37:13来源: 17173

在北京时间6月14日9点,我们迎来了索尼E3展前发布会。今年索尼不仅带来了最为重磅的《战神》重启游戏,还公布了一大波新IP大作。当然,备受关注PS VR也在本次发布会上公布了确切发售日期,与此同时还将带来50款VR首发游戏。 奎爷回来了?《战神》重启之作降临 《战神》新作作为开场游...

In Beijing time June 14 at 9 o 'clock, we ushered in the SONY before the E3 conference. SONY has not only brought the most this year blockbuster "ares" to restart the game, also announced a big Bob new IP. High-profile PS VR, of course, also at the conference announced the exact launch date, at the same time also will bring 50 VR starting game. Kratos ye come back? "Ares" restart work coming new book "god of war" as the opening to swim...

标签: 索尼