新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《极乐迪斯科》评测:一场文学爱好者在电子游戏领域的狂欢


A carnival of literature lovers in the field of video games

2020-04-04 08:00:00来源: 游戏时光

  本文无剧透内容,请放心阅读。  近年来,诸如《神界:原罪》或《永恒之柱》等一批作品,帮助古典欧美角色扮演游戏步入了新纪元。虽然它们实质上商业成绩仍旧不算特别理想,但已然足够让用户们满意,并帮助厂商得以延续。随着在经历了这几年时间的“复苏运动”后,人们在 2019 年迎来了将这种老派 CRPG 体验推向极致的《极乐迪斯科》(Disco Elysium)——而它一经问世便成为了此年度最受关注的新晋游戏。  就在来自爱沙尼亚的开发组 ZA/UM 向行业展现了这款神奇作品后,它便一直备受欧美游戏圈的赞誉。2019 年的 TGA 颁奖典礼上,《极乐迪斯科》凭借最佳角色扮演、最佳新晋独立、最佳叙事、和最佳独立游戏等 4 个奖项成为当晚最大赢家之一。而在此之前它也屡获多家权威游戏媒体的年度大奖。但很可惜的是,由于它那庞大

This article has no spoiler content, please read it with confidence. In recent years, a number of works, such as "God: original sin" or "eternal pillar", have helped the classical European and American role-playing games enter a new era. Although their business performance is still not particularly ideal in essence, they are enough to satisfy users and help manufacturers to continue. With the "recovery movement" over the past few years, disco Elysium, which brings the old CRPG experience to the extreme in 2019, has become the most popular new game of the year. Just after Za / um, a development team from Estonia, presented this magical work to the industry, it has been praised by the European and American game circles. At the TGA award ceremony in 2019, blissful disco became one of the biggest winners of the night with four awards, including best role play, best new independence, best narrative, and best independent game. Before that, it also won many awards of the year from authoritative game media. But unfortunately, because of its size

标签: 游戏