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全民飞机大战端午寄情 粽夏狂欢享豪礼

National World War II aircraft Dragon Boat lovemaking dumplings summer Carnival ho enjoy ceremony

2015-06-19 15:25:40来源: 4399

腾讯第一飞行射击手游《全民飞机大战》端午佳节好礼大放送,为玩家打造一场无与伦比的夏日狂欢。除了有人气宠物限时特价,更有端午活动、粽子关卡同期上线,海量福利送不停,引爆节日新风潮! 人气萌宠限时特惠 商城返钻就趁现在 当时间转眼进入六月中旬的盛夏,《全民飞机大战》也为玩家带来了新一...

Tencent first flight shooters tour the National World War II aircraft "Dragon Boat Festival ceremony broadcast, for players to create an incredible summer carnival. In addition to a popular pet Limited special, more Dragon Boat Festival activities, the same period in the same period of rice dumplings, massive benefits to send non-stop, a new wave of holiday! Popular Meng pet Limited special store back to drill on the advantage now when the time is now into the middle of the June summer, the national air war has brought a new one for the players...