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Again in the world of martial arts! "There are others" give you good

2015-07-01 17:45:30来源: 游久网

7月2日,《有侠气》将迎来双版本新服的火爆开启!《有侠气》是一款3D经典武侠RPG手游,以精美的古风场景、独特的侠客养成玩法、丰富的活动设置在武侠类手游中独树一帜。 新服上线火爆开启 7月2日,《有侠气》即将迎来双系统新服的同时上线。新服的盛大开启,标志着这款新生代经典武侠手游得到了...

7 2, "a dandy" will usher in a double version of the new service hot open! "Chivalry" is a 3D classic martial arts RPG mobile games, with exquisite antique scene, the unique Knight develop gameplay, the activities of rich set is unique in the martial arts class of mobile games. The new clothing line popular open in July 2nd, "a" dandy will usher in a new service system and double line. The grand opening of the new service, marking the new generation of classic martial arts hand travel...