新关注 > 信息聚合 > 除了宝可梦,《宝可梦 剑/盾》还删减了上百个招式

除了宝可梦,《宝可梦 剑/盾》还删减了上百个招式

In addition to baokemeng, there are hundreds of moves in baokemeng sword / shield

2019-11-12 10:48:07来源: 游戏时光

《宝可梦 剑/盾》因为取消全国图鉴,大量宝可梦无法登场,发售前已经陷入了争议中,但这还不是它唯一缺少的内容。部分已经拿到偷跑游戏的玩家们发现,随着大量宝可梦的缺席,还有上百个招式在本作中也消失了。海外社交媒体上名为 Kaphotics 的玩家发文提到,如果尝试把以往的宝可梦传输到《剑/盾》中,有时会弹出一个提示:这个招式无法使用,建议忘记这个招式。一旦忘记,宝可梦将无法重新回忆该招式。这是因为《宝可梦 剑/盾》里删减了之前作品中的一些招式,目前通过数据挖掘发现已缺少的包括一些常规招式如「龙之怒」「震级」「觉醒力量」「鹦鹉学舌」,以及全部的 Z 招式等,超过 100 个招式被删减。由于宝可梦传输...

Because of the cancellation of the National Atlas, a large number of baokemeng swords / shields failed to appear, which had been in dispute before the sale, but it was not the only missing content. Some players who have already got the sneak game find that with the absence of a large number of Baoke dream, hundreds of moves have also disappeared in this work. The player named kaphotics on overseas social media wrote that if he tried to transfer the previous Baoke dream to sword / shield, sometimes he would pop up a prompt: this move can't be used, so it's recommended to forget this move. Once forgotten, baokemeng will not be able to recall the move again. This is because some moves in the previous works have been deleted in baokemeng sword / shield. At present, through data mining, we find that there are some missing moves, such as "dragon's wrath", "magnitude", "awakening power", "parrot learning tongue", and all Z moves. More than 100 moves have been deleted. Because Baoke dream transmission