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Beginner's mind alive? Wolves kill, you don't let me down

2017-05-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2010年左右,国内开始流行一种杀人游戏。游戏分为好人和狼人两个阵营。依靠每个人的发言逻辑来推理他的身份牌。这便是狼人游戏的雏形。 关于这个问题,很能引起一部分跟我同样节奏玩家们的共鸣。我们见证了这个游戏从最开始,到现在,逐渐走向商业化的整个过程。 我们身边一起玩杀人游戏的朋友换了一批又一批,但对这个游戏仍然热度不减。只不过那时候还不叫狼人杀。 我们最开始,听发言,抿挂相,找逻辑,带入少年时特有的中二,每个人都可以是福尔摩斯。听起来很酷~ 【如果是这样,我希望狼人杀永远不要火】 也许是因为初期,对我们来说游戏性过大。只是听到规则,就跃跃欲试,最终拿出笔记本,裁成大小相同的12个小纸...

Around the year 2010, the domestic began to pop a killing game. The game is divided into good and werewolves two camps. Depend on each person's speech logic reasoning his identity card. This is the prototype of the werewolf game. About the problem, can cause a part of the same rhythm players resonate with me. We have witnessed the game from the very beginning, to now, gradually to the whole process of commercialization. Play game to kill a friend around us in a batch of another batch, heat but still in the game. It's just that the time is not called a werewolf killed. At first, we listen to the speech, sip hung phase, find logic, into a teenager in the second, everyone can be a Sherlock Holmes. Sounds cool ~ 【 if so, I hope the werewolf killed never fire 】 maybe because early, gameplay is too large for us. Just hearing rules, itching, eventually took out a notebook, cut into 12 small paper of the same size...