新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游13级宝石多少钱


Fantasy Westward Journey Travel 13 gem how much money

2015-11-19 12:20:41来源: TechWeb

梦幻西游手游13级宝石价格分析 梦幻西游手游13级宝石多少钱?宝石是提升装备属性主要物品,但是宝石等级越高,需要的金钱是越多的,特别是像13级这样的高等级宝石,价格着实不菲,那么13级宝石值不值得买呢?下面小编就为大家带来梦幻西游手游13级宝石价格分析及购买建议。 首先来看看宝石的大...

Fantasy Westward Journey Travel 13 gem prices analysis Fantasy Westward Journey Travel 13 gem how much money? Gem is to enhance the property and equipment, the main items, but gem grade is higher, the money is more, especially like 13 such high-grade gems, price is really expensive, then 13 gem value is not worth buying? The following small for everyone to bring a Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile Games analysis and the proposed purchase of 13 gems prices. First, look at the big stones...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游