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独立工作室Darkside 成于微软 败于微软

Independent studio Darkside in Microsoft to have many Game Studios was founded Microsoft game

2015-04-13 17:16:07来源: 07073游戏网

每年都有许多游戏工作室成立,也有很多工作室关闭。许多小公司要么靠大佬们的外包单过活,要么成为了大佬们“干掉”的对象。即便是微软这样财大气粗的大佬公司,也干过一些玩死小工作室的事情。 在2015年2月的一天,独立游戏工作室Darkside Games的三位高层前往微软位于雷蒙德的总部,...

every year, there are also many studios closed. Many small companies or by the bigwigs of outsourcing single live, or become the bigwigs "kill" of the object. Even Microsoft so rich and powerful gangster company, has done some play dead small studio. In 2015 February, the three top independent game studio Darkside Games to Microsoft headquarters in Raymond,...

标签: 微软