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张靓颖化身游戏女神 主题曲首唱燃爆现场

Jane avatar game goddess Theme song singing bums and the scene

2017-06-30 00:00:00来源: 人民网

6月29日,张靓颖作为代言人兼主题曲演唱者出席某手游的发布会,现场演唱主题曲《Amazing》,与百十位媒体朋友和粉丝们分享游戏、音乐的乐趣,现场气氛燃爆! 当经典手游遇见金曲歌后,势必会掀起一场席卷音乐与游戏两大领域的绝美碰撞!作为游戏代言人,张靓颖不仅演唱了游戏主题曲,更亲自参与了《Amazing》这首歌中文歌词的创作部分。不同于以往历史题材游戏音乐的“仙风道骨”,正如歌名一样,这首《Amazing》古典与现代结合,流行R&B曲风与绝美嗓音碰撞,再加上张靓颖独有的唱腔,无不将一幅气势恢宏的战争蓝图从耳畔勾勒至眼前。此次《Amazing》也是张靓颖首次公开中英文双版曲目,戏称...

On June 29, zhang liangying as a spokesperson and theme song singer was present at a conference of mobile game, sing the theme song "opponents", and one hundred media friends and fans to share the fun of games, music, the scene atmosphere bums! Classic mobile game when meet a hit song, is bound to bring about a sweeping music and games beautiful collision of two worlds! As the spokesman of the game, Jane zhang is not only sang the theme song, game more personally involved in the backpacks in the creation of Chinese lyrics of this song. Different historical themes game music "sage like type", just like the song, the song "opponents" classical and modern, popular R& B song wind collide with the beautiful voice, plus a Jane unique singing, all will be a war of the grand blueprint from side side outline to the eyes. The "opponents" is also a Jane publicly for the first time in Chinese and English version double tracks, called...

标签: 游戏