新关注 > 信息聚合 > ASO100参展ChinaJoy,新智投功能推动行业进入智能时代


ASO100 exhibition ChinaJoy, new intellectual functions to promote industry into the era of intelligence

2017-07-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

7月27日,第十五届ChinaJoy如期到来,国内最专业的移动推广数据分析平台ASO100作为互联网大数据领域的代表之一参展本届ChinaJoy,在游戏向移动化加速转变的当下,与厂商、媒体、开发者、推广人等从业者共叙产业发展的机遇与挑战。 大数据助力手游,ASO100参展解析增长趋势 ChinaJoy现场,厂商向手游的发力也可见一斑,手游占比已经超越端游,碎片化的使用场景也在进一步扩大用户使用机会。根据ASO100平台数据,近几年,手游产品在应用市场上线数量持续增长,更向着全年龄、全性别、全地域的方向发展。业内认为,手游仍有着巨大的增长空间,更有媒体预测,到2020年手游营收或将增长至5...

On July 27, the 15th ChinaJoy duly arrived, the most professional domestic mobile marketing data analysis platform ASO100 as one of the big data field representatives participating at ChinaJoy, in the change to the acceleration of the mobile game of the moment, with the manufacturer, media, developers, promoter and other practitioners to renew industry development opportunities and challenges. Big data help tour, hand ASO100 exhibition parsing growth trend ChinaJoy, vendor force to tour of the hand, also can be seen, tour of hand swim beyond end, fragmentation of usage scenarios are also further expand the user use. In recent years, according to data, ASO100 platform, mobile game products in the market launch the number continues to grow, more toward total age, gender, total area in the direction of development. The industry believes that mobile game is still a huge growth space, more media predicts that by 2020 mobile game revenue or will rise to 5...

标签: ChinaJoy