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Famiton score: 40 points of "death stranded" won the platinum Palace

2019-11-05 13:38:43来源: 游戏时光

新一期的《Fami通》游戏评分公布,由小岛工作室所开发的《死亡搁浅》获得了 40 分的满分评价,荣登白金殿堂,编辑认为这款游戏充满着艺术气息,其独特的世界观和故事可以称得上是大师级别的 3A 作品。以下是各个游戏的具体评分:PS4《死亡搁浅》:40分(10/10/10/10)本作是一款动作游戏,《死亡搁浅》(Death Stranding)这个名字指代的是死亡的东西搁浅/漂流的过程,像是死后搁浅在海滩上的鲸鱼,寓意从另一个世界来的造物,出现在了新的地点。在这款游戏中,小岛秀夫试图使用「绳」作为人与人相互影响的介质,而非「棍棒」—— 在他看来,很多游戏中的刀剑、枪支都是「棍棒」的逻辑。PS4/X...

The new issue of "famiton" game score announced that the "dead and stranded" developed by the small island studio got a full score of 40 points, and won the platinum palace. The editor thinks that the game is full of artistic atmosphere, and its unique world view and story can be called master level 3A works. Here are the specific scores of each game: PS4 "death stranding": 40 (10 / 10 / 10 / 10) this is an action game. The name "death stranding" refers to the process of stranding / drifting of something dead, such as whale fish stranded on the beach after death, which means that the creation from another world appears in a new place. In this game, Hideki Oshima tries to use "rope" as a medium of interaction, rather than "stick" - in his view, many swords and guns in the game are the logic of "stick". PS4/X...