新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2020年7月港服PS+会员免费游戏:《古墓丽影 崛起》

2020年7月港服PS+会员免费游戏:《古墓丽影 崛起》

July 2020 free game for PS + members of HK service: Tomb Raider rising

2020-06-29 20:22:13来源: 游戏时光

  2020 年 7 月港服 PS+ 会员免费游戏正式公布,分别是《古墓丽影 崛起》《NBA 2K20》和《Erica》,领取时间为 7 月 7 日至 8 月 3 日。  此外,港服 6 月会免游戏 《使命召唤 二战》和《星球大战:前线2》  目前仍可免费领取,尚未领取的朋友别错过了哦。 来源:Playstation HK

In July 2020, Hong Kong service PS + members' free games were officially announced, namely Tomb Raider rise, NBA 2k20 and Erica. They were collected from July 7 to August 3. In addition, Hong Kong service will be free of games in June

标签: 游戏 PS