新关注 > 信息聚合 > Xbox高管:XSX不选择变频,因为会加大游戏优化难度


Xbox executives: xsx does not choose frequency conversion because it will increase the difficulty of game optimization

2020-06-29 15:56:39来源: 游戏时光

      Xbox 项目管理总监杰森·罗纳德(Jason Ronald)近日接受了西班牙媒体采访,谈到了不少关于 Xbox Series X 硬件相关的东西,比如超频、SSD、以及光线追踪等。      微软的次世代主机 Xbox Series X 在设计上选择了和传统主机一样的固定频率。对于变频这件事,罗纳德表示团队不会去捕获某个记录数字,一直在强调稳定的性能发挥。如果要选择超频的话他们也可以做到,但这会让开发者优化游戏变得更困难。团队专注于优化开发者的体验从而给玩家带来更好的体验。      单独来看 SSD 的纸面速度,Xbox Series X 比 PS5 慢了一倍。罗纳德认为仅仅单独通过 SSD 的速度来判

&Jason Ronald, the project management director of Xbox, talked about a lot about the hardware of Xbox series X, such as overclocking, SSD, and ray tracing, in an interview with Spanish media recently. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Microsoft's next-generation console, the Xbox series X, is designed with the same fixed frequency as the traditional host. Regarding the frequency conversion, Ronald said that the team would not capture a certain record number, and had been emphasizing stable performance. They can do it if they choose to overclock, but it makes it harder for developers to optimize their games. The team focuses on optimizing the developer's experience to bring a better experience to the player.      

标签: 游戏 Xbox