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《怪物猎人 世界:冰原世纪》x《生化危机2 重制版》联动活动详情公布

"Monster hunter world: Ice Age" X "biochemical crisis 2 remaking" linkage activity details released

2019-11-07 14:32:35来源: 游戏时光

《怪物猎人 世界:冰原世纪》x《生化危机2 重制版》联动活动即将于 11 月 8 日正式上线,Capcom 在今天公布了本次联动活动的详细内容,一起来看看都有什么任务和奖励吧。活动任务 “RE: 生物危害重归大地”承接‧参加条件:MR20 以上原野:瘴气之谷主要目标:讨伐雾瘴尸套龙在这个任务中,如持续承受瘴气攻击的伤害,将会陷入全新的状态异常「丧尸状态」,而非往常的瘴气侵蚀状态。(瘴气耐性技能无效)如要解除「丧尸状态」,需要能于原野采集的任务专用道具「绿色药草」。亦可与稀少的「红色药草」调合,提升效果。为应付「丧尸状态」,先采集好足够的药草才去挑战任务。「丧尸状态」下体力会自动回复,但行动会受...

"Monster hunter world: Ice Age" X "biochemical crisis 2 remake plate" linkage activity will be officially launched on November 8, Capcom announced the details of this linkage activity today, let's see what tasks and rewards are there. Activity task "re: return of biological hazards to the earth" to undertake. Conditions for participation: field above mr20: miasma Valley main goal: attack miasma body jacketed dragon in this task. If you continue to bear the damage of miasma attack, you will fall into a new state of abnormal "zombie state", rather than the usual miasma erosion state. (the miasma patience skill is invalid) to remove the zombie state, you need the task specific prop "green herbs" that can be collected in the field. It can also be blended with rare "red herbs" to improve the effect. In order to deal with "zombie state", first collect enough herbs to challenge the task. In zombie state, body power will be restored automatically, but action will be affected by