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日本游戏/硬件周销量 2019 10.28~11.3

Weekly sales volume of game / hardware in Japan 10.28-11.3 2019

2019-11-07 10:16:51来源: 游戏时光

由 Fami 通统计的日本地区上周(10.28~11.3)游戏销量现已公布,Atlus 旗下最新作品《女神异闻录5R》已于日本推出,虽不及原版首发 26.8 万份的销量,但以 20.1 万的销量登顶。位于销量榜第二的同样是新作,系列最新作品《路易吉洋楼3》,销量为 15.6 万份,不过仅是 2013 年 3DS 平台推出的前作《路易吉洋楼2》首周销量的一半。其他新作方面,《马力欧&索尼克 2020东京奥运》也于上周登陆 Switch,销量 1.9 万份。2019 10.28~11.3 日本游戏销量排行榜:上周日本地区硬件销量最高的仍是 Switch,卖出 66272 台, Switch...

The game sales volume of Japan last week (10.28-11.3) counted by famiton has been announced. The latest work of Atlus, goddess strange news 5R, has been launched in Japan. Although it is not as good as the sales volume of the original 268000 copies, it has reached the top with the sales volume of 201000. In the second place on the sales list is also the new work, the latest series of works "Luigi villa 3", with sales volume of 156000, but only half of the first week's sales volume of the previous work "Luigi villa 2" launched on the 3DS platform in 2013. In other new works, "malio & Sonic 2020 Tokyo Olympics" also landed in switch last week, with sales of 19000 copies. 2019 10.28-11.3 Japanese game sales ranking: last week, the highest hardware sales in Japan was still switch, with 66272 units sold, switch

标签: 游戏