新关注 > 信息聚合 > 工信部整治过度索权再“动刀” 违规App大限将临?

工信部整治过度索权再“动刀” 违规App大限将临?

The Ministry of industry and information technology will punish the excessive claim right and then "use the knife" to violate the app deadline?

2019-11-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

开启通讯录权限、绑定恶意广告插件、翻看手机通话记录、开启录音功能……手机App获取权限“越界”、用户隐私数据泄露一直是公众关心的问题。当前,几乎所有的App都在获取用户信息,其中有些是使用所必需的,但也有相当一部分是属于“千年一用”的权限,甚至App根本没有提供相关服务的权限。11月4日,工业和信息化部信息通信管理局组织召开APP侵害用户权益行为专项整治工作启动部署会,将重点对违规收集用户个人信息、违规使用用户个人信息、不合理索取用户权限、为用户账户注销设置障碍四个方面的8类问题开展规范整治工作。 羊城晚报记者注意到,实际上,有关App整治的相关工作已经进行了多次,各地有关部门约谈App运...

Open the address book permission, bind the malicious advertising plug-in, view the phone call record, and enable the recording function The access of mobile app is "beyond the boundary", and the privacy data disclosure of users has always been a public concern. At present, almost all apps are getting user information, some of which are necessary for use, but a considerable part of which belong to the "Millennium one use" permission, even app does not have the right to provide relevant services at all. On November 4, the information and communication administration of the Ministry of industry and information technology organized the launch deployment meeting for the special rectification of APP violations of user rights and interests, which focused on the rectification of 8 types of problems in four aspects: illegal collection of user personal information, illegal use of user personal information, unreasonable access to user rights, and obstacles to user account annotation Yangcheng Evening News reporter noted that, in fact, the relevant work on app remediation has been carried out for many times, and relevant departments around the world have interviewed about app transportation

标签: APP