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广东破获制贩游戏外挂程序团伙案 涉案超千万元

More than ten million yuan has been involved in the gang case of game plug-in procedures in Guangdong

2019-11-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

广东肇庆市公安局6日公布,当地警方破获一起涉及千万元的制作、贩卖游戏外挂程序案,抓获犯罪嫌疑人8名。 据肇庆市公安局通报,在“净网2019”专项行动中,当地公安机关破获一起《穿越火线》游戏外挂案,涉案金额达1000多万元,抓获犯罪嫌疑人8名,捣毁了一个涉嫌制作、出产、贩卖游戏外挂的犯罪团伙。 此前,警方收到举报称,有许多人在《穿越火线》游戏中使用名为“小妮子”外挂程序,严重影响了玩家的游戏体验。 据调查,该犯罪团伙摸准了部分游戏玩家渴望胜利的心理,制作贩卖游戏外挂程序,篡改游戏正常程序和规则设定,通过某中间平台,由加密服务商进行加密验证形成“卡密”,再通过外挂运营团队进行逐级推广销售。...

Local police have cracked a case involving tens of millions of yuan in the production and sale of game plug-ins and arrested eight suspects, the Zhaoqing Public Security Bureau said Thursday According to the report of Zhaoqing Public Security Bureau, in the "net 2019" special action, the local public security organ cracked a game plug-in case of "crossing the line of fire", involving more than 10 million yuan, arrested 8 suspects and destroyed a criminal gang suspected of making, producing and selling game plug-ins Previously, the police received a report that many people used a plug-in program called "little girl" in the game "crossing the line of fire", which seriously affected the game experience of the players According to the investigation, the criminal gang got to know the psychology of some game players eager to win, made the plug-in program of selling game, tampered with the normal program and rule setting of the game, through an intermediate platform, the encryption service provider conducted encryption verification to form a "Carmi", and then promoted the sales level by level through the plug-in operation team. ...

标签: 游戏