新关注 > 信息聚合 > Switch游报:跨过了温柔乡,就要扛得住修罗场


Switch newspaper: if you cross the gentle village, you will be able to bear the Shura field

2020-06-29 20:48:11来源: 游戏时光

  即便出于工作性质的需要,笔者得时刻关注业内消息,但每次打开 eShop 时,仍然会有“这东西居然也登陆 Switch 了”的感受。  本周名头最大的作品自然是《凯瑟琳 Full Body》,相信还有很多人对新增“少女”的身份感到好奇。此外,《只只大冒险》也是一款不错的双人同乐游戏,非常匹配 Switch 拆分手柄游玩的属性。本周推荐凯瑟琳 Full Body原名:Catherine: Full Body游戏解锁时间:7 月 1 日 23 点(日服)语言:港区中文最低参考价:285.47 人民币(南非服)  副岛成记的美术和目黑将司的作曲固然讨喜,但《凯瑟琳 Full Body》的核心玩法围绕着“推箱子解谜”展开,这并不是个大众都能接受的品类。  主角文森特的形象倒是能引起一些共鸣:中年大叔面对催婚想方设法的

Even if the author has to pay close attention to the news in the industry for the sake of the nature of his work, he still feels that "this thing has landed on the switch" every time he opens eshop. The most famous work of this week is Catherine full body. I believe many people are curious about the identity of the new girl. In addition, "only big adventure" is also a good two player game, which matches the properties of switch split handle. The original name of Catherine full body: Catherine: full body game unlock time: July 1, 23:00 (Japanese dress) language: Port Chinese minimum reference price: 285.47 RMB (South African clothing) the fine arts and the composition of the black sergeant of vice island are welcome, but "Katherine full" The core play of "body" revolves around "pushing boxes to solve puzzles", which is not a category acceptable to the public. The image of Vincent, the protagonist, can arouse some resonance: the middle-aged uncle tries his best to get married

标签: Switch