新关注 > 信息聚合 > 创新发展 责任同行 人民网举办2019游戏企业责任论坛

创新发展 责任同行 人民网举办2019游戏企业责任论坛

Innovation and Development Responsibility Peer People's Network Holds Game Corporate Responsibility Forum 2019

2019-06-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2019游戏企业责任论坛现场。(于凯 摄) 人民网北京6月26日电(丁涛 韦衍行) 6月26日,由人民网主办、金报电子音像出版中心承办的“创新发展 责任同行——2019游戏企业责任论坛”在北京人民日报社新媒体大厦举行。 近年来,游戏产业为国民经济发展注入新动力,游戏成为大众尤其是青少年群体休闲娱乐的重要方式之一。中国音像与数字出版协会游戏工委发布的《2018年中国游戏产业报告》显示,2018年中国游戏市场实际销售收入达2144.4亿元,用户规模达6.26亿人。但也应该看到,原创能力不足、文化内涵缺失、价值导向偏差、社会责任没有落实到位等问题也客观存在、亟待解决。 针对游戏行业中个别...

Game Corporate Responsibility Forum 2019. People's Network, Beijing, June 26 (Ding Taowei Derivatives) June 26, hosted by People's Network and sponsored by Golden Newspaper Electronic Audio-visual Publishing Center, the "Innovation and Development Responsibility Peer - Game Enterprise Responsibility Forum 2019" was held in the New Media Building of Beijing People's Daily. In recent years, the game industry has injected new impetus into the development of national economy, and the game has become one of the important ways of leisure and entertainment for the masses, especially the youth. According to the China Game Industry Report 2018 issued by the Game Industry Committee of China Audio-visual and Digital Publishing Association, the actual sales revenue of China's game market in 2018 reached 214.44 billion yuan, and the scale of users reached 626 million yuan. But it should also be noted that the problems of inadequate original ability, lack of cultural connotation, deviation of value orientation and failure to implement social responsibility also exist objectively and need to be solved urgently. For individual players in the game industry.

标签: 游戏