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Big update! Creature 3 PC edition combat balance adjustment report

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

上周末《神武3》第65届神武之战精彩收官,打出了极为凶猛的快速点杀打法的世外桃源A队击败以清宠消耗战为核心的九天揽月A队。而这也是当前战斗版本的最终一役,在本周五《神武3》电脑版便将迎来新一轮的战斗调整。此番战斗变革幅度巨大,涵盖门派法术、特技、化龙鼎系统、宠物技能、阵法等多个方面。其中天宫万兽将向当前物理霸主天策发起挑战、五大全新魂技亮相、宠物特殊技能全面增强,必将给玩家们带来更为酣畅淋漓的回合竞技体验。 天宫万兽战术地位或将提升 此番门派法术调整中,更新幅度最大的莫过于凌霄天宫与万兽岭两大物理门派。凌霄天宫的惊雷斩将从原来的降灵效果,变更为降低物理防御,与此同时乱神斩则是从降低伤害效...

Last weekend "creature 3" war of the 65th creature MSC, played the extremely fierce point quickly kill dozen of xanadu team A defeat to spoil nine days of attrition as the core to A team. And this is the current fighting, version of the final assault on Friday creature 3 PC edition will usher in a new round of fighting. This huge fight change amplitude, covering sects spells, special effects, Long Ding law system, pet skills, etc. The tiangong beasts to current physical dominance day policy challenge, the five new soul technology appearance, pet special skills comprehensive enhancement, will bring the players more comfortable round competition experience. Tiangong majestic tactical status or will improve This united spell adjustment, the biggest updates than a dedicated tiangong and majestic ling two physical branches. Dedicated the temple of the grit cut will fall from its original spirit effect, change to reduce the physical defense, meanwhile disorderly god cut from lower damage effect...