新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017首届中玩旗下“中玩杯”狼人杀北京超级杯赛激情开战!


2017 the first Chinese game player to kill the Beijing Super Cup and fight with passion!

2017-10-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

10月14日,由中玩家主办的“中玩杯”北京地区超级杯赛S1赛季开始啦!就算北京入冬前的大风冷冷的吹,也吹散不了玩家对我们的支持和对比赛的热情! 经过了一个月的报名,现在参赛的选手达到上百人,北京地区的狼人杀玩家十分热情的参与到此次赛事当中,官方组建的赛事选手群内,每天都有讨论战术,讨论规则的话题。官方即兴作打油诗一首与各位选手共勉: 要想不抗推,中玩带你飞! 划水不挨怼,还嘴吓死鬼! 说你是狼就是狼,管你是不是狼! 让你投降就投降,逼的你想撞墙! 大战在即!你准备好了吗? 本周末两天一共五个场地,共有百人进行预选赛,角逐出晋级淘汰赛的种子选手们。 10月14号场地为: 扎堆...

In October 14th, the Beijing area Super Cup S1 season started by the Chinese players. Even if the wind blew before the winter of the winter in Beijing, it could not help the players to support us and the enthusiasm for the competition. After a month's registration, the players of the competition reached hundreds of people and the wolves in the Beijing area killed the players. Very enthusiastic participation in this competition, the official formation of the event group of players, every day there are discussion tactics, discuss the rules of the topic. The official extempore is an impromptu poem with all the players: to think not to resist, to play with you, to play with you, to play with you, to draw the water, and to frighten the dead! Say you are the wolf, the wolf, the wolf! Let you surrender, the forced you want to hit the wall! The war is! Are you ready? Two days this weekend, there are five venues altogether, a total of 100 People compete in the preliminaries and compete for the seedings of the elimination tournament. The October 14th site is: pile up...