新关注 > 信息聚合 > 最懂生活的游戏?全面盘点《黑色沙漠》生活玩法


The most understand the game of life? Comprehensive inventory black desert life style

2017-08-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

知生活,懂游戏。游戏是生活的一个组成部分,健康游戏提倡引导玩家去享受健康和谐的生活。对于近期蜗牛游戏公布代理的重量级国际3A作品《黑色沙漠》,这款被国外媒体公认为是近年来难得一见的零差评品质大作,以最为细致的捏脸塑身系统、酣畅淋漓的打击感、和高自由度的大世界玩法获得国内玩家一致推崇。 而除了画质与战斗以外,游戏也包含了如钓鱼、骑马、种植等多种休闲玩法。无论是想体验自给自足的农耕生活,亦或是雇佣劳动者大量生产创造商业利润,多样化生产模式满足你不同的渴望,让你可以在虚拟世界体验真实的生活乐趣。 钓鱼:新手一般最先接触的活动内容是钓鱼。只要有一个钓竿,不需要其他任何准备。可在江边的渡口...

Know life, understand the game. Game is a part of life, advocate healthy game lead players to enjoy a healthy and harmonious life. For recent snail game release agent works of heavyweight international 3 a "black desert", this is the foreign media acknowledged as the rare zero bad review quality work in recent years, with the most meticulous knead face toning system, comfortable feeling, and high degree of freedom of the world play won unanimous esteem domestic players. And in addition to the image quality and combat, the game also includes such as fishing, horseback riding, planting a variety of leisure play. Whether want to experience self-sufficient farming life, create business profits in mass production or hire workers diversified production mode to satisfy your different desire, let you can in the virtual world to experience the real life fun. Fishing: the novices active content of the first contact is fishing. As long as there is a fishing rod, don't need any other preparations. In the river ferry...

标签: 游戏