新关注 > 信息聚合 > 疾速芝胜谁与争锋 ChinaJoy2017东芝展台完美收官

疾速芝胜谁与争锋 ChinaJoy2017东芝展台完美收官

Hurtling cheese - ChinaJoy2017 die another Toshiba booth well packaged

2017-08-01 00:00:00来源: 人民网

随着汹涌的人潮逐渐褪去,第十五届ChinaJoy缓缓落下帷幕。据主办方估计,本次展会BTOC参观人数突破30万人次,虽然申城高温预警频发,最高气温达40度,却依然抵挡不住游戏爱好者们火热的心。本次展会上,素有“闪存世界缔造者”之称的东芝携旗下SSD等产品震撼亮相E3展馆,为玩家们带来一场趣味十足的疾速盛宴,在4天的时间里吸引了无数发烧友参与互动。 ChinaJoy2017东芝展台吸引众多粉丝驻足围观 东芝重磅新品TR200固态硬盘震撼发布 展会首日,东芝发布了新款固态硬盘TR200系列,新固态硬盘彪悍的数据存取性能和可靠性让现场众多游戏玩家为之沸腾。TR200系列采用东芝全新的3b...

With the surging crowds faded, the 15th ChinaJoy slowly. Organizers estimate, this exhibition business-to-consumer attendance topped 300000 person-time, frequent while shen high temperature early warning, the highest temperature of 40 degrees, but still not able to withstand the game enthusiasts hot heart. In this exhibition, known as the "flash world builder," said the Toshiba e1000 &e2000 SSD products such as shock at E3 hall, to give players a fun hurtling feast, attracted numerous fans in the four days of time to participate in the interaction. ChinaJoy2017 Toshiba booth attracts a lot of fans watching on Toshiba blockbuster TR200 SSD shock Exhibition on the first day, Toshiba has released a new solid-state drives TR200 series, new SSD burly data access performance and reliability to the scene of many players to the boil. TR200 series adopts Toshiba new 3 b...

标签: ChinaJoy